Hello guys how are you hope you all were good and fine so today I am going to tell you about What is web 2.O in seo? How to submit post in web 2.O and how its help in ranking, so stick to this post till end you will learn more so without wasting your time let's get started What is web 2.O in seo? How to submit post in web 2.O.
Web 2.O is the advance version of web 1.O as you all know very well that advance version are much more effective then older versions so this is also an example of this type in this post you learn that how much web 2.O is important for website seo and if you don't know about what is seo? How its work then just visit my website link i have already covered this topic. So without any delay let's learn What is web 2.O in seo? How to submit post in web 2.O.
2.O is the advance version of web 1.O earlier web 1.O was use which was not not quite sufficient for users because in web 1.O there was only one way communication done only administrator have option to write any thing visitors can't write even comment also, so it was not sufficient then new versions of web came and that is web 2.O which enables two way communication for user as well as visitors to contact or comment so it is the advance version of web 1.O. web 2.O help us to submit our unique post or article to the Google and web 2.O help our blog to rank in search engine like (Google, bling and Yahoo). And it requires less time to create quality backlinks and if you don't know any thing about what is backlinks? Then just visit my website link i have already covered this topic.
Benefit or advantage of web 2.O as compared to web 1.O
As compared to web 1.O there are many advantages of web 2.O as we all know that it is the advance version of web 1.O.
1. Web 2.O consist of two way communication which was not available in web 1.O
2. Amount of traffic generated by web 2.O is high as compared to web 1.O because there are many tool in web 2.O which helps us to generate quality of traffic.
3. Web 2.O helps to increase our website Domain Authority (D.A) and Page Authority (P.A) and at last Page Ranking (P.R) which plays important role in seo and if your don't know what is seo then just visit my website link i have already covered this topic.
4. It helps to generate quality of backlinks which makes our website clearly visible to search engines which increase our website visitors percentage.
What is needed to create web 2.O website.
There are some basic need which helps you to create web 2.O website and that are:-
1. First thing is required to you is your email which is not too hard to create, we all have our email accounts, so this is the first thing of web 2.O.
2. Then you have to create website and you can easily create your website with blogger or WordPress with the help of your email account you can easily create your account on wordpress and blogger.
3. If you have created your website then you need to buy domain but it is not necessary you can work on custom domain also but if you want to grow then you have to buy domain.
4. You have to write quality of content so that visitors will visit your web site on regular basis and try to write blog post above 600 words which help you to rank.
5. You have to create multiple accounts on different post submission websites like printeres, quro etc so that you able to generate quality of backlinks and audiences as well.
What web 2.O consist
Web 2.O consist of website like social bookmarking, blogs, Wikipedia, video sharing, forums, etc because these all website contains two way communication which is the major point of web 2.O.
How to submit post in web 2.O
There are some website like blogger, WordPress, etc which help you to submit your your post to web 2.O because with the help of these websites you can write your unique content or share your knowledge to every one. When you submit your post to your website then you got option of search console submission then you have to submit your post to search console because it tell Google about your post if you want to learn more about what search console? then visit my website link i have already covered this topic. So by following these step you get your post submit in web 2.O.
What is difference between web 2.O and web directories submission
Many of us think that web directories submissions and web 2.O are same but there is a huge difference between them if you don't know that what is web directories submissions the please visit my website link i have already covered this topic in depth. So the differences are:-
1. Web directories submissions is available in paid as well as free versions also but web 2.O is completely free for any user so you can use web 2.O without investing any money.
2. Web directories submissions doesn't requires any website because web directories submission is itself a website but web 2.O requires website to write your post or blog.
3. Search priorities given by search engine is more for web 2.O as compared to web directories submissions because ranking of web 2.O is quite faster then web directories submission website.
4. Web directories submissions website requires more time to generate quality of backlinks approx 2-3 months but web 2.O requires some days to generate backlinks of your post or website.
Guys I tried my best to make you clear that what is web 2.O? How to submit post in web 2.O, so these are the small thing which help you in off-page seo and if you don't know any thing about what is off-page seo then visit my website link i have covered this topic and guys if you want any post on any topic then please comment and comment below that you like this post or not. Thank you for reading this post.
Really good, I come from SEO background, and I love the blog , well penned :)